Random Thoughts From a Cinemaniac

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Indiana Jones 4 FINALLY has a shoot date

So, I was planning on writing about the next three months of my
adventures of trying to circumvent the horrible ideas for movies in
2007. But then I found out that Indy 4 was not only back in the topic
of conversation for movie geeks but that Spielberg, Lucas and Ford
have all agreed on a script and found time to make it.

The Indiana Jones triology was a staple of my childhood. My mother
once had to drag me away when I was 8 or 9 because I was watching
Temple of Doom over and over again - which is strange because it's my
least favorite of the three. And even today, I can watch them as pure
entertainment and still never even come close to getting sick of them.
When I first heard that they would be making a new Indy, about four
years ago it must have been now, I was thrilled. Considering that
Harrison Ford hadn't made a good movie since....when was The Fugitive
made? I was thrilled to see him in a role I know he could excel at. I
heard that Spielberg and Lucas were dialing in on a script and that
Connery had even signed on already.

However, people were already worried about Ford being too old. Then
time passed. Then it became common knowledge that the next one would
be set in the Cold War era. Everyone calmed down. Then time passed.
Spielberg finally said he would be able to fit shooting into his
schedule. Then Lucas started getting script advise from George
Steinbrenner. Then time passed. The already slippery slope that the
fourth installment of Indy has become seemed to be finally heading
straight down. Indiana Jones 4 - TBA became the verdict. Then came
the announcement the other day that Lucas, Spielberg and Ford all
finally agreed on a script and more importantly, seemed to have
figured out when they were going to make the damn thing. Right now,
Indy 4 is slated for a June shoot and should be ready for May 2008.
Of course, euphoria trickled into me when I read that everything was
set to finally begin production. However, I'm beginning to have some
second thoughts about it – maybe I'm just worried that it'll suck.

The original trilogy ended with, in my opinion, the best of the
trilogy as it celebrated the adventure genre as the characters rode
out into the sunset. If anyone could make it work, it would, of
course, be Lucas and Spielberg, but the longer it goes the less the
chance that anything they could produce could possibly hold up to the
original three. And there is still another thing that disturbs me
more than repeat viewings of White Chicks on F/X: There is still a
rumor that Lucas wants to make Indiana Jones using digital filmmaking
instead of true film, as Spielberg prefers. If this happens, which I
severely doubt it will, I might stop watching movies; that's how
horrible it would be to see Indy in digital. Just imagine Marcus
Brody riding a digital camel into the digital sunset just to make me
nauseous. Please George, for the love of everything that is holy…use
original film. Don't make me use the title for a blog entry next May
entitled "He chose….poorly."

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Blogger Unknown said...

Random note about the author. As Dave admits he was obsessed with Indiana Jones when he was a kid. One year for Halloween he dressed as him. His mother however would not let him go out with a real whip, which his Dad actually owned. His substitute….a jump rope. Thus he earned the name Indiana Jump Rope. Wow kids are cruel. Great column Indiana Jump Rope.

January 5, 2007 at 9:21 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

In agreement with the last blogger, Dave did dress as Indiana Jones and I have the pictures to prove it. He used to run around the house pretending he was Indiana even when it wasn't Halloween. Great article!!

January 8, 2007 at 12:06 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

In that first photo it appears that the wall is on fire.....AND THE CHAIR!

January 9, 2007 at 8:00 AM  
Blogger Megan said...

I would like to see these pictures of you dressed as Indiana Jones. Sounds cute

February 6, 2007 at 2:25 PM  

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