Random Thoughts From a Cinemaniac

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Why sequels are ruining movies

"Everytime we needed money we robbed the airport. For us it was
better than CitiBank." It seems that movie executives have taken a
line from Henry Hill of Goodfellas and every time they have no good
ideas for a new film, they just dust off an old franchise and make a

As punishment for Saw III, The Ring 2, Scary Movie 4, Bad Boys 2,
Rocky Balboa, Pirates of the Caribbean 2 (I know some people actually
liked it), Jaws The Revenge, the thought that Battlefield Earth 2 was
a good idea (lucky it was panned) and most things sequel, I propose
that Hollywood has to go through one full year of not making anything
that resembles a sequel. That means: no continuing stories, no
traditional sequels, no "reimaginings" or anything else that really
just means another movie with the same title.

Now I'm not even completely anti-sequel. I've liked the Indiana Jones series, the Die Hard series and even films as recently as Spiderman 2 and Batman: Begins. But the sequel train has gotten far too long and now it seems that if there isn't at least the POTENTIAL for a sequel(s), then there is very little chance at getting a movie made. Here are a list of sequels currently in various stages of production: Blue Streak 2, Back to the Future 4, Alien 5, American Psycho 2, Superman Whatever, The Dark Knight (Batman), Spiderman 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 3, Rambo 4, Predator 3, Jurassic Park 4, Indiana Jones 4, the 93rd Harry Potter, Zoolander 2, Hostel 2, Star Trek, Big Momma's House 2, Caddyshack 3 (no, seriously), Gladiator 2, Daredevil
2, Men in Black 3, Romancing the Stone 3, Rush Hour 3, Terminator 4,
Sin City 2, True Lies 2, Under Siege 3 and more on their way - trust

I have less of a problem with movies like Harry Potter because they
are based upon books that have many different parts to them, so making
a movie isn't a stretch at all. However, movies like Predator 3,
Rambo, Rocky Balboa and Under Siege 3 were all movie franchises that
were dusted off after years of being finished just because sequels
have somewhat of a built-in audience and are relatively predictable
assets for the bean-counters of Hollywood. Once in a while you'll get
lucky and a sequel will be very good, but compared with the drudgery
of the rest of the sequels that make it to multiplexes, sequels as a
whole are horrible – think David Caruso, in CSI: Miami. Movie sequels
need to be stopped – or at least minimized before Gigli 2 hits

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Blogger Tepas said...

Jurassic Park 4? COUNT ME IN.

Also, do you have a picture in the style of that last photo? you should put a suave looking pic of yourself. it would be awesome.

consider going to sears and getting a portrait, i think it will really enhance your career.

December 16, 2006 at 1:51 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Jaws The Revenge rocks so hard!
A shark that follows the Brody
family from Amity Island to The Bahamas!?!?!?!
Michael Caine knows the deal.

December 19, 2006 at 9:37 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

whats with your profile, is my name "SUNY Geneseo"?

December 21, 2006 at 12:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I will keep commenting on this entry until you get a new one up there. It's been more than a week you poser "cinemaniac" and I'm bored two desks away from you and I want to read something interesting.
I suggest you do what your parents did, get a job sir.
The bums will always lose!

December 22, 2006 at 7:40 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Two weeks and counting...laziest man.

December 29, 2006 at 8:37 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I know I saw you writing a blog entry today in the office.

January 2, 2007 at 11:48 AM  

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